
Every donation Hope’s Place receives will help children of the Tri-State area. 100% of the funds received will be used to provide trauma-based services for families in need. We thank you for your commitment to ending child sexual assault.

We have options for how you can send a tax-deductible donation:

1) Donate securely online via our PayPal account ~

2) Over the phone ~


3) In person ~

Walk-in donations are available:
1100 Greenup Ave.
Ashland, KY 41101

Other Options

1) Amazon wish list:

2) Are you a Kroger Shopper? With each swipe of your Plus card, Kroger will donate 4% of the price of your purchases to support Hope’s Place! Register at using Hope’s Place NPO 87874.

3) Local friends of Hope’s Place CAC can donate household items and furniture to Second Hand Rose and state that you want the consignment credit to go to Hope’s Place Child Advocacy.

Food & Drink items (for parents/caregivers and child victims)

  • Animal crackers (small individual bags)
  • Snack crackers (small individual packages)
  • Fruit snacks (small individual packages)
  • Other snacks/treats (small individual packages)
  • Juice boxes (Roarin’ Waters, clear liquids or 100% juice please
  • Chips (small individual packages)
  • Bottled water (cases)
  • Coffee (regular or decaf -regular grind for coffee makers or k-cups) for family members

Office supplies

  • Paper products (paper towels, napkins, printer/copy paper)
  • 16g or higher flash drives
  • Kleenex (large boxes or individual size packages)
  • Cleaning supplies (antibacterial, multi-purpose sprays and wipes)
  • Gift cards to Staples, Office Max, Walmart or Sam’s for everyday supplies to serve children and families


  • Art Supplies for counseling like washable markers, Play Dough, modeling clay, construction paper, colored pencils, acrylic paints, gift cards to Hobby Lobby to stock art therapy room
  • Monetary gifts are always needed. Even the smallest amount is helpful.
  • Highlights, Nickelodeon, National Geographic, or children’s magazine subscriptions for rooms
  • Small, new toys for kids’ treasure chest
  • “Old Maid”, “Go Fish”, and other simple games (no small parts, please!)
  • Gas cards or gas vouchers ($10 increments work best) for our victims and their families
  • Food gift cards – fast food or local restaurants for families who receive various services and are at Hope’s Place or an extended period of time
  • Grocery store gift cards ($10, $20, $25…any amount is helpful) to assist children and families in emergency situations until resources/services can be put in place
  • Manual labor for painting, gardening, renovating old spaces, etc.
  • Drop off consignment items at Second Hand Rose in Ashland and credit it to Hope’s Place CAC